Forget What You Know: Jacob Barnett

Most of the time the greatest advances come when you stop learning + start thinking + start creating I solved a problem in my own unique way Be the field Thanks Jacob

Dream development starts to grow

Several months ago I met Tudor Tarlev. He is a 22 year young entrepreneur from Moldowa and part of the TEDx community. In February he visited Dreamicon Valley and was very much inspired by our dream development process. Now he travels to TEDx events and hosts dream development sessions like the one at TEDx Youth […]

TEDxSummit Day 6

Time for chill out. Cool picknick in the park with top view over the city. Enjoyed the magnificent athmosphere at Doha´s souk. Last diner at the W starwood. Time to digest all the magic moments. Thanks to the hospitality to all the amazing people in Qatar.

TEDxSummit Day 5

More and more highlights at the TEDxSummit Inspiring chat with “The Dreamers Magazine” founder Carl Lindgren testing an eye controlled open source mouse from Samsung amazing presentations on the main stage in between charging our i phone and i pad with sunnybag

TEDxSummit Doha Day 3

So exciting = I am speechless Advertising in the local tv station

TEDxSummit Opening Night 2012

Amazing big theater on the Katara TED stage. Almost “undreamable” fantastic. The Livestream was recorded

Start with WHY

Simon Sinek and his secret how to realize dreams

Warum Unterricht an deutschen Schulen nicht funktioniert

Einfach zum Nachdenken

TEDxPannonia Women


Unser schönstes Weihnachtsgeschenk haben wir aus Kalifornien bekommen: Die Lizenz für eine TEDx Konferenz. Was ist TED? Das erklärt TED Visionär und Erfolgsautor Chris Anderson in folgendem Video? “IDEAS WORTH SPREADING” – damit können wir uns zu 100% identifizieren. Die Planung für den 11.9.2010 läuft bereits auf Hochtouren. TEDx Pannonia demnächst im DREAMICON VALLEY. Inspirierende […]