Sopron Design University & Chillen @ DREAMICON VALLEY
Visiting Design University Sopron and designer Peter Simon + we see a world of potential Do you?
Changing Education Paradigms
Simple + thanks to Sir Ken Robinson
DreamA´s Lounge Vienna
April 1st the first DreamA´s Lounge Vienna thanks to Roman Pachernegg & the fabulous Sektor 5 Team Thanks to our inspiring guests Claudia Henzler Photos with a message Felix Häussler The Coffee Circle Team from Berlin Wolfgang Lehrner and Matthias Pazmandy with their EUROASIANGONDOLAS Violine Talents Rentaro and Yurika Shima
Creating innovation
See how people create innovation in New York “Seven on Seven” conference on May 14, featuring presentations by seven teams, each comprised of a pioneering artist and a game-changing technologist, who will share a new idea they have developed while collaborating over the course of a single day
Daniela Fritz & her dream
Daniela Fritz ist Junioren Europameisterin im Voltigieren. Sie träumt davon Weltmeisterin zu werden und einmal ein Trainingslager im Ausland zu absolvieren.
One Wheel Dragons dreams
One Wheel Dragons Stars Markus Pröglhöf and Dario Kopic in action on their unicycle Their dreams: an own camera, a covered training facility and somebody who covers their travel expenses
Warum Unterricht an deutschen Schulen nicht funktioniert
Einfach zum Nachdenken
Violin artist Yurika and her dream to play in a famous concert hall with an orchestra
3 years ago Yurika,her brother Rentaro and her mother moved together from Osaka to Vienna. Her dream is to play in a famous concert hall with an orchestra. Your dream works Yurika.